Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Journal Module 1

Journal Module 1

Q For this journal, first review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document and post any questions to the General Questions Topic. Then review the Nimble Storage: Scaling Talent Strategy Amidst Hyper-Growth case study. In your journal, answer the following questions: What are some common concerns companies have that keep them from being more effective in the global market? In a global market, what should a company consider changing to better embody social and cultural norms and to become a more geocentric organization? Consider possible changes to the company’s technology, interpersonal policies, business practices, or other variables. For additional details, please refer to the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

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There are many challenges that an organization faces when they operate their business on an international platform. Understanding the language and culture: When a business enters a global market it needs to deal with people from all cultures and languages. To do a successful business abroad the organization must learn important cultural differences. For example, the color red may mean